>Anasayfa -> BASIN ODASI> Tüketici Kanunu - TÜ-MER TEMSİLCİLİKLERİ
Şikayetinize uygun dilekçe örneği için e-dilekçe Projesini tıklayınız. Tüketici Mahkemelerine hitaben hazırlanan dilekçe örneklerini bilgisayarlarına indirebilirsiniz. TÜKETİCİ ŞİKAYETLERİ İÇİN TIKLAYIN.
Sizden gelen şikayetlerden her hafta birini seçip sitemizde yayınlıyoruz. Haftanın şikayetini görmek için tıklayınız.

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Dikkat! Yarışma değil, para tuzağı

Televizyonlardaki kelime ve sayı bulmaca gibi yarışma programları seyirciyi ekran başında, katılımcıları da telefonda çıldırtıyor. Dakikalarca telefonda bekletilen katılımcılar asıl şoku telefon faturasını görünce yaşıyor.
Peki bu programlar için RTÜK ne diyor?
Televizyon kanallarında ‘yarışma’ adı altında yayınlanan programlar seyirciyi ekran başında, katılımcıları da telefonda çıldırtıyor. Ama yarışmacılar asıl yıkımı arka arkaya düşen kontör ve ay sonunda gelen faturaları görünce yaşıyor. Televizyonlardaki SMS yarışmalarından mağdur olanların sayısı da giderek artıyor. Cine 5, Kanal Market, TV8, Eurotürk, BJK TV, FB TV, ayrıca atv, Kanal D, Star, Show TV’nin Avrupa yayınları, bu sayının artmasına neden oluyor.

Günün hemen her saatinde farklı kanallarda çok basit sorularla seyirciler telefon etmeye teşvik ediliyor. Avea, Telsim ve Turkcell cep hatlarından en az 25 kontör ile başlıyor ve yarışmacı çeşitli sebeplerle ya dakikalarca hatta bekletiliyor ya da tekrar aramaları isteniyor ve her denemede onlarca kontör harcanıyor.. Mesela PIRA...A. Bu sebzeyi bilmek hiç de zor değil; ama 40-45 dakika boyunca kimse sunucuya bağlanıp da kelimenin pırasa olduğunu söyleyemiyor! Oysa en hızlı tahmini yapan seyirciye para ödülü vaat ediliyor. Bu sırada görev sunucuya düşüyor tabii ve birbirinden ilginç ve komik ipuçlarının yanı sıra şaklabanlıklar yaparak seyirciyi telefon açmaya teşvik ediyor. Ortalama bir saatlik programda ya bir ya da iki kelime ancak bulunabiliyor. Yarışmalarda verilen ödül 200 YTL ile başlayıp 1.000 YTL’ye kadar çıkıyor.

Konuyla ilgili olarak RTÜK ve Tüketici Merkezi’ne yapılan şikâyetler de henüz sonuca ulaşmadı. RTÜK bu yarışmalara şimdiye kadar 46 kez uyarı ve iki kez de 1’er program durdurma kararı verdi ancak bu durum bir işe yaramadı. Konu hâlâ RTÜK’ün gündeminde. Yüklü telefon faturaları ödemek zorunda kalan mağdurların şikâyeti üzerine Tüketici Merkezi, sözde yarışma programlarının kaldırılmasını talep etti. Başkan Ömer Keser, “seyirciye hiçbir katkısı olmayan bu yayınların kolay yoldan para kazanma gayesi güttüğünü ve sesli yanıt sistemi ile oyalanan yarışmacıların büyük ekonomik kayıplara uğradığını” anlatıyor.

Sunucular rezalet

Sunucu bayanlar bir suç bastırır gibi “demek ki sisteme en hızlı giriş yapmayı başaramıyorsunuz”, “en seri yarışmacı olmanız şart” veya “hâlâ parmaklar yeterince hızlı değil” deyip ikide bir seyirciyi tahrik ediyor. Üstelik sık sık “saniyelerim kaldı” deyip geri saymaya başlıyor ve aradan 10-15 dakika daha geçiyor.

Sorular çok basit; ama...

Kelimeyi bilmenin veya matematiksel işlemi yapmanın heyecanıyla telefona sarılan seyirciler, otomatik sesli mesajlarla kandırılıyor. “Tuşladığınız cevabı duyamadım, tekrar arayın”, “Tebrikler, soruyu bildiniz; ama daha hızlı olmalısınız”, “Söylediğiniz anlaşılmadı, tekrar deneyin”. Bunlardan daha kötüsü, cevap doğru bile olsa otomatik sistemden “Bilemediniz” sesi duyulup, telefon yarışmacının yüzüne kapanabiliyor. Soru 5+3 =?... Bu sorunun cevabı tabii ki 8; ama -4 kez üst üste aranmasına rağmen- ne hikmetse cevap doğru kabul edilmiyor. Olayı yaşayan kişi “5+3’ün 8 ettiğine olan inancımı kaybettim.” diyerek açıklıyor.


Yarışmalar bu haliyle devam etmemeli

Sina Koloğlu (Milliyet Gazetesi-TV yazarı): Benzeri yarışmalar her ülkede oluyor; bir şekilde denetleniyor ve kişiler mağdur edilmiyor. Kısa yoldan para kazanmak için insanlar kandırılıyor. Üç telefon şirketi, bu kanalların yöneticileri ve RTÜK bir araya gelip programları tekrar gözden geçirmeli. RTÜK başka konulardaki duyarlılığını bu konuda da göstermeli. Yarışmalar bu şekilde devam etmemeli. Aksi halde para tuzağı olmaya devam eder. Seyirciler de bunun bir tuzak olduğunu bilip, yarışmaya rağbet etmesinler. Bu programları sunan kadınlar da beni çok rahatsız ediyor.


İlgili kanalların prestijleri törpüleniyor

Yüksel Aytuğ (Sabah Gazetesi-TV yazarı): Konunun mağdurları tahmin ettiğimiz rakamların çok üzerinde. Bu mağduriyet hem insanları güven bunalımına sürüklüyor hem de ilgili kanalları töhmet altında bırakıp prestijlerini törpülüyor. Aslında yarışmada hukuk dışı bir durum yok. Yani her şey “kalıbına” uydurulmuş gibi. Ancak bir “aldatmaca” söz konusu. Sunucuların cazibe yaratmak için seçtikleri kostümler de ilginç. Programlar bikini üstü ve büstiyerler ile sunuluyor. Umarım daha fazla ileri gitmezler(!) TV’de SMS eksenli pek çok düzgün yarışma ve organizasyon da var. Ancak bu “kapkaç” mantığıyla işleyen kötü niyetli yarışmalar yüzünden düzgün yarışmaların da okka altına gideceğinden endişeliyim.


Zamanla bu yarışmalara rağbet azalacak

Cengiz Semercioğlu (Hürriyet-Kelebek): Bu yarışmalar önce uyduda başladı, sonra kablolu yayınlara girdi. Amaç burada “ne kadar çok insan ararsa o kadar çok para kazanmak”. Aslında daha fazla insana ödül verseler bu kadar tepki almaz. Kazı kazan çıktığında da benzer şikâyetler yaşanmıştı, sonra kimse rağbet etmedi. Şu an her şey kontrolsüz gidiyor; ama RTÜK’ün müdahale etmesi lazım. Dikkat ederseniz, bu yarışmalara küçük kanallar rağbet ediyor, büyük kanallara sirayet etmemesi güzel. Çünkü bu yolla çok para kazanabilirler.


Bu haber 5.415 kez okundu...

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19/12/2008 - Tüketici Örgütleri Federasyonu Kuruldu

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02/12/2008 - ADSL için telefon mecburiyetine son

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13/11/2008 - Tüketici Örgütlerinden doğalgaz zam’ ına dava

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10/11/2008 - TÜ-MER Sağlıkla oynayan katildir

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07/11/2008 - modern tefecilerden kontör kredisi!

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04/11/2008 - tüketici örgütlerinden ortak açıklama

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01/11/2008 - Sabit ücrete karşı yasal düzenleme şart

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21/10/2008 - Cipslere sağlığa zararlı ibaresi yazılmadır

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16/10/2008 - TELSİM’in “borcum bitsin”i bir aldatmaca mı?

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04/10/2008 - Uluslararası panel sona erdi

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23/09/2008 - Tüketiciler bilgilendirilmelidir

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20/09/2008 - Komisyon çalışmalarını sürdüryor

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17/09/2008 - Yavaş indirim yapan istasyondan alma

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03/09/2008 - Van ve Nevşehir’de suç duyurusu

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22/08/2008 - Milyonlarca çocuğu bekleyen tehlike

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02/08/2008 - Paran Kadar Harca Kartın Esiri Olma

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22/07/2008 - İzmir tüketicisinden suç duyurusu

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07/07/2008 - Kot taşlama atölyelerine dair

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07/07/2008 - Ortak Akıl Hareketi'ne TÜ-MER den Destek

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30/05/2008 - Tüketiciye aba altından sopa

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28/05/2008 - AB Projesi Değerlendirme Toplantısı yapıldı

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28/04/2008 - Geçmiş kart aidatına da iade kararı

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Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/04/2008 - Vurguncuyu ihbar et!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
11/04/2008 - vurgunculara fırsat vermeyelim

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
08/04/2008 - tüketici kanunu değişikliğine sahip çıkalım

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
05/04/2008 - Genel Başkan, ATV'nin konuğu oldu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
03/04/2008 - Reklam Kurulu'ndan Pepsi'ye Ceza

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
19/03/2008 - TÜ-MER'in AVM Raporu Ses getirdi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/03/2008 - tüketici kanunu değişiyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
13/03/2008 - Telekom’un peşini bırakmıyoruz

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
12/03/2008 - ucuz etin yahnisi yavan olur

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
11/03/2008 - jest değil hak istiyoruz

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
05/03/2008 - bilgisayar alırken mağdur olmayın

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
22/02/2008 - bankalar neden çok kâr ediyor?

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
19/02/2008 - GSM firmaları müşterilerine "ayıp" ediyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
17/02/2008 - TÜ-MER uyardı, Pepsi Özür diledi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
16/02/2008 - TÜ-MER’den Danimarka tüketicisine çağrı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
11/02/2008 - internet -ATM dolandırıcılığına karşı dikkat

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
09/02/2008 - internette alışveriş yaparken mağdur olmayın!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
05/02/2008 - Türk insanı kobay olarak kullanılamaz

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
04/02/2008 - Projeye start verildi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
31/01/2008 - Av. Hüsnü TUNAnın yanındayız

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
30/01/2008 - banka kartı kullanıcısı tüketiciler Dikkat!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
29/01/2008 - Telekom; Hakem Heyetlerini tanımıyor mu?

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
18/01/2008 - Turkcell'den Mektup Var

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
17/01/2008 - Elektronik sigaralar iade edilebilir.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
12/01/2008 - Cepteki reklamlar "yeter" dedirtti

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/12/2007 - alışveriş merkezleri raporu açıklandı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
06/12/2007 - Telekom, tüketici hakkının farkına vardı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
06/12/2007 - Kredi kartın mı var, derdin var!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
04/12/2007 - TÜ-MER: Bankanın bahanesi kalmadı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
30/11/2007 - TÜ-MER Yeni yerine taşındı.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
28/11/2007 - bankalar birliğinden antidemokratik heyet

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
14/11/2007 - Alışveriş merkezleri mercek altında

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
10/11/2007 - Telekom, grevi tüketiciye fatura edemez

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
25/10/2007 - İndirimli satışlara yeni düzenleme

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
18/10/2007 - tüketici haklarının takipçisiyiz

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
11/10/2007 - İstanbul'daki su zammına TÜ-MER'den tepki

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
10/10/2007 - Çalınan çantadan mağaza sorumlu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
03/10/2007 - Tüketicinin tazminat zaferi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
26/09/2007 - Kampanya izdihamına TÜMER tepkisi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
19/09/2007 - Haksız kira artışının faturası vatandaşa

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
12/09/2007 - Tüketiciye eziyet çektirmeyin

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
04/09/2007 - Şarbona karşı; bilinçli tüketici

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
18/08/2007 - Çin malı oyuncaklar toplatılıyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
10/08/2007 - Şap hastalığına karşı dikkat

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
06/08/2007 - Bakanlık ruhsatlı suların listesini açıkladı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
06/08/2007 - Şirket, arızalı otoyu geri almak zorunda

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
01/08/2007 - su denetimleri arttırılsın

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
29/07/2007 - standart dışı satanlar teşhir edilsin

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
03/07/2007 - Susuzluk felaket olmasın

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
03/07/2007 - klima tüketiciyi terletiyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
26/06/2007 - Tüketiciler seçim beyannamelerini inceliyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
13/06/2007 - Ayıplı çıkan mala kredi veren banka sorumlu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
11/06/2007 - TÜ-MER: Türk Telekom tehditkar

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
07/06/2007 - K.D.V. İndirimi Gizli Zam Olmasın !

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
06/06/2007 - ADSL'de tüketiciyi yanıltma iddiası

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
02/06/2007 - Tüketiciler siyasi partileri uyarıyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
01/06/2007 - Kapıdan satıcılar nasıl dolandırıyor?

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
23/05/2007 - Tüketici Örgütlerinin Ortak Basın Açıklaması

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
18/05/2007 - Kredi kartında tüketici zaferi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
27/04/2007 - Ekranlardaki çirkinliğin dozu artıyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
25/04/2007 - Vatandaşa yarışma oyunu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
18/04/2007 - Kantinlerde kola ve cips satışına kısıtlama

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
13/04/2007 - TÜ-MER'e teşekkür plaketi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
13/04/2007 - Kart aidatında Genel Müdürlük engeli

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
29/03/2007 - Sanal Banka Mağdurlarına Müjde

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
19/03/2007 - TÜ-MER’den yurt genelinde 10 temsilcilik

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
18/03/2007 - Hamburger, Kola Girmesin Okula!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/03/2007 - 15 Mart Dünya Tüketiciler Günü

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
14/03/2007 - TÜ-MER Ailesi Bir Arada

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
02/03/2007 - Okul Kantinleri için sefer tası hareketi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
20/02/2007 - Beyaz eşya alırken dikkat etmeniz gereken 10

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
09/02/2007 - bankaların kart bedeline tarihi bir karar

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
28/01/2007 - tüketici hakkını arıyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
25/01/2007 - bankalar promosyon bedellerini tahsil ediyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
24/01/2007 - her an kapınızı çalabilir

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
23/01/2007 - otobüslerde cep telefonu karmaşası

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/01/2007 - TV NET'te Tüketici Saati devam ediyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
12/01/2007 - Mağazalar istediği gibi indiremeyecek

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
28/12/2006 - Kapıdan satışların yerine cep şikâtyeleri

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
22/12/2006 - Tüketici kazandı, Telekom kaybetti!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
20/12/2006 - Kurbanlık hayvan alırken dikkat!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
09/12/2006 - Tüketicinin talebi önemlidir

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
05/12/2006 - İnternette Smile ADSL kaosu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
05/12/2006 - Hatalı BMW'yi değiştirmenin adı 'jest' oldu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
30/11/2006 - Kartzedenin zaferi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
27/11/2006 - Gazlı içecekler sağlığa zararlı mı?

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
21/11/2006 - Tüketiciler mahkemeye gidecek

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
21/11/2006 - Dikkat! Yarışma değil, para tuzağı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
21/11/2006 - Sözde yarışma programları kaldırılsın

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
01/11/2006 - Reklamı yanıltıcı olan ürünler Ayıplıdır

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
19/10/2006 - Tüketici Saati ATR Televizyonunda

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
18/10/2006 - Fransa'yı "Boykota Devam" çağrısı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
29/09/2006 - McDonald's ve Burger King'e dava

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
29/09/2006 - Türkçe kılavuzu olmayan firmaya ceza

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
31/08/2006 - TÜ-MER, ATR Televizyonun konuğu oldu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
28/08/2006 - Elektrik kesen şirket, tazminat ödeyecek

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
14/08/2006 - ATM’lerdeki gizli komisyona dikkat

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
08/08/2006 - Klonlu telefon, ayıplı maldır.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
17/07/2006 - TÜ-MER'in ısrarlı takibi sonuç verdi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
17/07/2006 - Tatilci, otellerden dertli

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
07/07/2006 - Döviz Gider Zammı Kalır

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
05/07/2006 - tüketicinin sabrı taşıyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
17/06/2006 - Kredi kartında faiz artışının sırrı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
07/06/2006 - Bakan hakkında suç duyurusu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
30/05/2006 - Acı itiraf: zehirli ürün yediriyorlar

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
21/05/2006 - Huzurumuz ile oynamaya kimsenin hakkı yoktur

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
04/05/2006 - Zehirli varilleriniz sizin olsun!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
03/05/2006 - ‘Fatura Ödeme Merkezi’ halkı dolandırdı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
12/04/2006 - Kartta Ali Cengiz oyunu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
09/04/2006 - TÜ-MER Kongresi Sonuçlandı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/03/2006 - Dünya Tüketiciler Günü Kutlandı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
14/03/2006 - Sonsayfa.com'dan Tüketici Köşesi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
06/03/2006 - Kartzedelere uyarı: 60 günü beklemeyin

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
02/03/2006 - İhtarnameler TÜ-MER’den

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
01/03/2006 - Kredi Kartları Yasası Yürürlükte

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
26/02/2006 - Okul ve Camilere baz istasyonu kurma yasağı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
24/02/2006 - Kredi Kartları Yasası Çözüm olacak mı?

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
22/02/2006 - Kredi Kartları Vebalinin Altında Kalmayın

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100