>Anasayfa -> BASIN ODASI> Tüketici Kanunu - TÜ-MER TEMSİLCİLİKLERİ
Şikayetinize uygun dilekçe örneği için e-dilekçe Projesini tıklayınız. Tüketici Mahkemelerine hitaben hazırlanan dilekçe örneklerini bilgisayarlarına indirebilirsiniz. TÜKETİCİ ŞİKAYETLERİ İÇİN TIKLAYIN.
Sizden gelen şikayetlerden her hafta birini seçip sitemizde yayınlıyoruz. Haftanın şikayetini görmek için tıklayınız.

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Kredi kartın mı var, derdin var!

Kredi kartı müşterileri bankaların 'ayak oyunlarına' gelmemek için çok dikkatli olmak ve sözleşmeyi satır satır okumak zorunda... Okumayanın başına bakın ne gelebiliyor? Haber7.com'da TÜ-MER katkıları ile hazırlanan haberi sizlerle paylaşıyoruz.

Yeni bankacılık kanununa göre kredi kartının aylık limitinin atırımının bile müşteriye sorulmadan yapılmaması gerekirken, Yapı ve Kredi Bankası tüm müşterilerine ikinci bir kredi kartı göndermeye başladı. Üstelik yeni kanun, gayet açık bir şekilde, müşterinin talebi dışında kredi kartı hazırlamayı yasakladığı halde...


5464 sayılı Banka Kartları ve Kredi Kartları Kanununa göre "Kart çıkaran kuruluşlar, talepte bulunmayan veya sözleşme imzalamayan kişiler adına hiçbir şekil ve surette kart veremezler." denilmektedir.

Yapı ve Kredi Bankası ise, tam bir oldu bitti ile, müşterilerine kart gönderiyor. Bunu yaparken 'müşterisini ödüllendiriyormuş' süsü veren banka, kanunen sorumluluğu olmasına rağmen müşteriye sormuyor, bütün kararlarıı tek taraflı alıyor ve uyguluyor.

Müşterisine bir mektupla ön bildirim yapan banka, müşiterisine ikinci bir Worlcard sahibi olma olnağı tanıdıklarını ve kendisi için özel hazırlanan ikinci kredi kartının çok kısa bir süre sonra eline geçeceğini duyuruyor.

Banka tarafından müşteriye gönderilen bu yazıdaki ifadelerden de açık bir şekilde anlaşıldığı gibi banka müşteriye danışmadan kartı hazırlamış ve kargoya vermiştir.

İkinci Worldcard'ın 'müşterilere sunduğu kolaylıklar'dan bahsedilirken de yine ilgili kanuna aykırı hareket edilmeye devam ediliyor.

* Farklı hesap kesim tarihi!
Hesap kesim tarihinin farklı olması demek bankanın müşterisi adına ikinci bir kredi kartı hesabı açmış olması demektir. Gelen ikinci kredi kartının üzerindeki numaraya bakıldığında müşteri kodunun aynı, kredi kartı numarasının farklı olduğu görülecektir. Bunun yanında iki farklı hesap özetini ve hesabı kontrol etme zorunluluğu ortaya çıkacaktır. Gününde yapılamayan ödemeler ve faiz yüklenen müşteri her zaman bankanın işine gelir. Üstelik ayın sonunu zor getiren 'ortadirek' tabir edilen müşterilerin ödeme zorluğu yaşayacağı da bir diğer dikkate alınması gereken konudur.

* Daha fazla limit!
İkinci Worldcard'a mevcut Worldcard'ın sahip olduğu kadar limit imkanı tanıyan banka müşterisine 'kesintisiz alışveriş keyfi' yaşattığını iddia etmektedir.

Zaten aylık kazancının bir kaç katı olan ve aşırı yüksek olduğu çok defa gündeme gelen kredi kartlarının limitleri, ödeme güçlüğü çeken müşteri için daha çok borçlanma ortamı yaratmak demek olacaktır.

* Ücretsiz!
Banka, şu an kullandığınız Worldcard'ınızı kullanıma kapatmadığınız sürece bu kartınız için kart ücreti ödemeyeceğinizi de taahhüt etmektedir.

Pek çok müşterinin bu ücreti geri almak için paranın peşine düştüğünü düşünürsek bu yukarıdaki ibare müşterinin hoşuna gideceği bir durumdur. Ancak kredi kartınızın elinize ulaştığı anda aldığınız ikinci zarftaki üyelik sözleşmesi hiç de öyle dememektedir. Üyelik sözleşmesinde banka kart ücreti alınacağından bahsetmektedir.

İşte o kısım:
"Kart Ücreti: Kartlarının verileceği ilk yıl da dahil olmak üzere, KART'ların kullanımda olduğu her yıl VVorldcard için 30 YL, VVorld Gold Club için 40 YTL, VVorld Platinum Club için 50 YTL, VVorld Crystal Club için 300 YTL, VVorld Travel Club için 50 .YTL (Seyahat Program ücreti dahil), VVorld Play Club için 40 YTL (Genç Çalışan Programı ücreti dahil), Fenerbahçe VVorldcard için 20 YTL, Fenerbahçe VVorldgold için 30 YTLJenerbahçe VVorldplatinum için 50 YTL'dır.

Ek Kart Ücreti: Ek kartların her biri için, ve ilk yıl da dahil olmak üzere her yıl VVorldcard için 10 YTLVVorid Gold Club için 10 YTL, VVorld Platinum Club için 10 YTL, VVorld Crystal Club için 50..YÎL,.,World Travel Club için 10 YTL, VVorld Play Club için 10 YTL'dır."

Buradan da açık bir şekilde anlaşılacağı gibi bankanın sözleşmesine göre kart ücreti vardır. Banka burada da kanuna aykırı hareket etmektedir. Tüketici lehine sonuçlanan onlarca mahkeme kararına rağmen, banka müşterilerinden kart aidatı kesmektedir. Kredi kartlarının banka tarafından gönderilen hesap özetlerine eklenen veya banka hesaplarından müşteriye sorulmadan kesilen ücretleri geri almak için uğraşmak gerektiğinden, bu ücretler haksız bir şekilde kesilmeye devam edilmektedir.

Ayrıca bilgi almak için aradığımız Yapı ve Kredi Bankası müşteri temsilcilerinden, ikinci kredi kartı olarak gönderilen kartlardan 1 yıldan sonra üyelik ücreti alınacağını öğreniyoruz.

Bununla beraber, kredi kartlarının müşteriye ulaştırılması sırasında yaşanan güvenlik zaafının da sorgulanması gereken bir başka konuydu. Kredi kartlarının içinde bulunduğu zarfta gönderilen üyelik sözleşmesi zarfı getiren kurye görevlisi tarafından doldurulmaktadır. Banka çalışanı olmamasına rağmen üçüncü bir şahıs müşterinin bütün özel bilgilerini (kimlik bilgileri, anne kızlık soyadı telefon ve adres bilgileri, kredi kartının limiti vs....) öğrenmektedir.

Kanuna göre bu bilgilerin üçüncü şahıslarla paylaşılması suçtur ve banka sistemin güvenliğini sağlamakla yükümlüdür.

İşte ilgili kanundaki çok açık şekilde ifade edilen ibareler:

"Üye işyerleri, kartın kullanımı sonucunda kart ve kart hamili ile ilgili edindikleri bilgileri, kanunla yetkili kılınan kişi, kurum ve kuruluşlar hariç olmak üzere kart hamilinin yazılı rızasını almadan başkasına açıklayamaz, saklayamaz ve kopyalayamaz. Üye işyerleri, kart bilgilerini üye işyeri anlaşması yaptığı kuruluş dışındaki şahıs veya kuruluşlarla paylaşamaz, satamaz, satın alamaz ve takas edemez. Üye işyeri anlaşması yapan kuruluşlar, bu fıkranın uygulanmasını gözetmekle yükümlüdür.

Kart çıkaran kuruluşlar, edindikleri kişisel bilgileri gizli tutmak, kendi hizmetlerinin pazarlanması dışında başka amaçlarla kullanmamak ve kanunla yetkili kılınan kişi, kurum ve kuruluşlar dışında kalanların bu bilgilere ulaşmasını engellemek amacıyla gereken önlemleri almakla yükümlüdür."

İkinci kredi kartının teslimi sırasında imzalatılan evraklarla ilgili teyit almak için 444 0 444'ü ararken aynı bilgilerle sorgulamadan geçirildiğimizde, kredi kartları gizliliği açısından sakınca doğuracak, ne büyük bir güvenlik zaafıyla karşı karşıya olduğumuza bizzat şahit olduk.

Bu bilgilerin neden kurye görevlisi tarafından doldurulduğunu ve üçüncü bir şahıs tarafından öğrenilmesinde bankanın neden sakınca görmediğini sorduğumuzda ise yetkililerden sadece, "Bankamızın uygulaması böyle" cevabı aldık.


Konu ile ilgili Tüketici Derneklerine benzer şikayetlerin gelip gelmediğini öğrenmek için Tüketici Hakları Merkezi (TÜMER) Başkanı Ömer Keser'i aradık.

Karşılaştığımız durumu anlattığımız TÜMER Başkanı Keser, bankanın yasaları hiçe saydığını ve açık bir şekilde suç işlediği yönünde görüş bildirdi.

Keser'in tüketicilere bazı uyarıları vardı:

Müşterileri kendi talepleri dışında hazırlanan ve kurye ile adreslerine ulaştırılan kartları kesinlikle kabul etmemeleri konusunda uyaran Keser, üyelik sözleşmelerinin de hiç bir şekilde imzalanmamasını istedi.

Ayrıca kart ücreti adı altında müşteriden alınan ücretlere dikkat çeken Keser, sonuçlanan ve banka müşterileri açısından emsal teşkil edecek davaları hatırlatırken, müşterilerden yasal olmayan bu paraları ödenmemeleri gerektiğini söyledi.

Keser, Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurumu (BDDK) yetkililerinin bu tür yasaya aykırı uygulamalara müsaade etmemesi gerektiğini de söyledi.


'Kart aidatının bahanesi kalmadı'

Kredi kartı aidatları konusunda art arda gelen mahkeme kararlarını değerlendiren Tüketici Hakları Merkezi TÜ-MER Genel Başkanı Ömer KESER, “bankaların kart aidatını meşrulaştırmak için göstermiş olduğu gerekçeler gerçeği yansıtmamaktadır” dedi

Tüketici Hakları Merkezi TÜ-MER Genel Başkanı Ömer KESER’in konuyla ilgili açıklaması aşağıdadır.

Ankara’nın Polatlı ilçesinde ikamet eden bir tüketicinin kart aidatının iptali için başlatmış olduğu hukuk mücadelesi zafer ile sonuçlanmıştır. Tüketici Mahkemesi Sıfatı ile hizmet veren Polatlı Asliye 1. Hukuk Mahkemesi’nin kararı, kart aidatı konusunda kamuoyu oluşturmak isteyen ve çeşitli bahaneler öne süren bankacılık sektörünün gerekçelerini boşa çıkarmıştır.

Cuma AYGÜN isimli tüketici 30,00 YTL’lik kart aidatının iptali için müracaat ettiği Polatlı İlçesi Tüketici Sorunları Hakem Heyeti, “yılık ücretin açık olarak belirtilmediği” gerekçesi ile tüketiciyi haklı bulmuş, bunun üzerine banka, heyet kararın iptali için tüketici mahkemesine dava açmıştır.

Tüketici Mahkemesi Sıfatı ile Polatlı Asliye 1. Hukuk Mahkemesi’nde görülen dava neticesinde, Cuma AYGÜN isimli tüketici haklı görülerek banka tarafından haksız alınan kart aidatının yasal faizi ile iade edilmesine karar verilmiştir.

Mahkeme kararı uzun süredir tartışmaları süren kart aidatı konusuyla ilgili bankaların tüm gerekçelerini boşa çıkarmıştır. Bankacılık sektörü kart aidatı alma gerekçesini; kart basım ücretleri, posta masrafları ve her ay tüketiciye gönderilen ekstrelerin oluşturduğu masrafların bedeli olarak göstermekteydi.

Tüketici Mahkemesi Sıfatı ile hizmet veren Polatlı Asliye 1. Hukuk Mahkemesi’nin kararında; “Yasanın amacı tüketicileri korumaktır. Bankaca kredi kartı üyelik ücreti talep edilmesinin tatminkar bir açıklaması da yapılmış değildir. Tüketici kredi kartını kullanmak suretiyle bankanın sağladığı birçok kolaylıktan yararlanmakta ise de bankada bunun karşılığında tüketiciye kredi kartını kullandırarak mal ve ürün satan kişi, kurum veya kuruluşlardan belli ölçüde ekonomik yarar sağlanmaktadır. şeklinde ifade edilerek bankacılık sektörünün kart aidatı konusunda öne sürdüğü bahanelerin gerçeği yansıtmadığını ortaya çıkarmaktadır.

Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurulu’nu (BDDK) göreve çağırıyoruz. Bu kararlar ışığında haksızlığı bir kez daha ispatlanan kart aidatı konusunda bir düzenleme yapılarak tüketicinin mağdur edilmesinin önüne geçiniz.

Tüketici Hakları Merkezi TÜ-MER
Genel Başkanı

Bu haber 5.422 kez okundu...

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19/12/2008 - Tüketici Örgütleri Federasyonu Kuruldu

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02/12/2008 - ADSL için telefon mecburiyetine son

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13/11/2008 - Tüketici Örgütlerinden doğalgaz zam’ ına dava

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10/11/2008 - TÜ-MER Sağlıkla oynayan katildir

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07/11/2008 - modern tefecilerden kontör kredisi!

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04/11/2008 - tüketici örgütlerinden ortak açıklama

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01/11/2008 - Sabit ücrete karşı yasal düzenleme şart

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21/10/2008 - Cipslere sağlığa zararlı ibaresi yazılmadır

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16/10/2008 - TELSİM’in “borcum bitsin”i bir aldatmaca mı?

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04/10/2008 - Uluslararası panel sona erdi

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23/09/2008 - Tüketiciler bilgilendirilmelidir

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20/09/2008 - Komisyon çalışmalarını sürdüryor

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17/09/2008 - Yavaş indirim yapan istasyondan alma

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Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
03/09/2008 - Van ve Nevşehir’de suç duyurusu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
22/08/2008 - Milyonlarca çocuğu bekleyen tehlike

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
02/08/2008 - Paran Kadar Harca Kartın Esiri Olma

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
22/07/2008 - İzmir tüketicisinden suç duyurusu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
07/07/2008 - Kot taşlama atölyelerine dair

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
07/07/2008 - Ortak Akıl Hareketi'ne TÜ-MER den Destek

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
30/05/2008 - Tüketiciye aba altından sopa

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
28/05/2008 - AB Projesi Değerlendirme Toplantısı yapıldı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
28/04/2008 - Geçmiş kart aidatına da iade kararı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/04/2008 - Vurguncuyu ihbar et!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
11/04/2008 - vurgunculara fırsat vermeyelim

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
08/04/2008 - tüketici kanunu değişikliğine sahip çıkalım

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
05/04/2008 - Genel Başkan, ATV'nin konuğu oldu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
03/04/2008 - Reklam Kurulu'ndan Pepsi'ye Ceza

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
19/03/2008 - TÜ-MER'in AVM Raporu Ses getirdi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/03/2008 - tüketici kanunu değişiyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
13/03/2008 - Telekom’un peşini bırakmıyoruz

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
12/03/2008 - ucuz etin yahnisi yavan olur

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
11/03/2008 - jest değil hak istiyoruz

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
05/03/2008 - bilgisayar alırken mağdur olmayın

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
22/02/2008 - bankalar neden çok kâr ediyor?

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
19/02/2008 - GSM firmaları müşterilerine "ayıp" ediyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
17/02/2008 - TÜ-MER uyardı, Pepsi Özür diledi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
16/02/2008 - TÜ-MER’den Danimarka tüketicisine çağrı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
11/02/2008 - internet -ATM dolandırıcılığına karşı dikkat

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
09/02/2008 - internette alışveriş yaparken mağdur olmayın!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
05/02/2008 - Türk insanı kobay olarak kullanılamaz

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
04/02/2008 - Projeye start verildi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
31/01/2008 - Av. Hüsnü TUNAnın yanındayız

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
30/01/2008 - banka kartı kullanıcısı tüketiciler Dikkat!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
29/01/2008 - Telekom; Hakem Heyetlerini tanımıyor mu?

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
18/01/2008 - Turkcell'den Mektup Var

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
17/01/2008 - Elektronik sigaralar iade edilebilir.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
12/01/2008 - Cepteki reklamlar "yeter" dedirtti

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/12/2007 - alışveriş merkezleri raporu açıklandı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
06/12/2007 - Telekom, tüketici hakkının farkına vardı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
06/12/2007 - Kredi kartın mı var, derdin var!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
04/12/2007 - TÜ-MER: Bankanın bahanesi kalmadı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
30/11/2007 - TÜ-MER Yeni yerine taşındı.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
28/11/2007 - bankalar birliğinden antidemokratik heyet

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
14/11/2007 - Alışveriş merkezleri mercek altında

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
10/11/2007 - Telekom, grevi tüketiciye fatura edemez

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
25/10/2007 - İndirimli satışlara yeni düzenleme

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
18/10/2007 - tüketici haklarının takipçisiyiz

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
11/10/2007 - İstanbul'daki su zammına TÜ-MER'den tepki

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
10/10/2007 - Çalınan çantadan mağaza sorumlu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
03/10/2007 - Tüketicinin tazminat zaferi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
26/09/2007 - Kampanya izdihamına TÜMER tepkisi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
19/09/2007 - Haksız kira artışının faturası vatandaşa

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
12/09/2007 - Tüketiciye eziyet çektirmeyin

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
04/09/2007 - Şarbona karşı; bilinçli tüketici

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
18/08/2007 - Çin malı oyuncaklar toplatılıyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
10/08/2007 - Şap hastalığına karşı dikkat

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
06/08/2007 - Bakanlık ruhsatlı suların listesini açıkladı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
06/08/2007 - Şirket, arızalı otoyu geri almak zorunda

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
01/08/2007 - su denetimleri arttırılsın

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
29/07/2007 - standart dışı satanlar teşhir edilsin

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
03/07/2007 - Susuzluk felaket olmasın

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
03/07/2007 - klima tüketiciyi terletiyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
26/06/2007 - Tüketiciler seçim beyannamelerini inceliyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
13/06/2007 - Ayıplı çıkan mala kredi veren banka sorumlu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
11/06/2007 - TÜ-MER: Türk Telekom tehditkar

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
07/06/2007 - K.D.V. İndirimi Gizli Zam Olmasın !

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
06/06/2007 - ADSL'de tüketiciyi yanıltma iddiası

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
02/06/2007 - Tüketiciler siyasi partileri uyarıyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
01/06/2007 - Kapıdan satıcılar nasıl dolandırıyor?

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
23/05/2007 - Tüketici Örgütlerinin Ortak Basın Açıklaması

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
18/05/2007 - Kredi kartında tüketici zaferi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
27/04/2007 - Ekranlardaki çirkinliğin dozu artıyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
25/04/2007 - Vatandaşa yarışma oyunu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
18/04/2007 - Kantinlerde kola ve cips satışına kısıtlama

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
13/04/2007 - TÜ-MER'e teşekkür plaketi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
13/04/2007 - Kart aidatında Genel Müdürlük engeli

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
29/03/2007 - Sanal Banka Mağdurlarına Müjde

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
19/03/2007 - TÜ-MER’den yurt genelinde 10 temsilcilik

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
18/03/2007 - Hamburger, Kola Girmesin Okula!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/03/2007 - 15 Mart Dünya Tüketiciler Günü

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
14/03/2007 - TÜ-MER Ailesi Bir Arada

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
02/03/2007 - Okul Kantinleri için sefer tası hareketi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
20/02/2007 - Beyaz eşya alırken dikkat etmeniz gereken 10

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
09/02/2007 - bankaların kart bedeline tarihi bir karar

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
28/01/2007 - tüketici hakkını arıyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
25/01/2007 - bankalar promosyon bedellerini tahsil ediyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
24/01/2007 - her an kapınızı çalabilir

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
23/01/2007 - otobüslerde cep telefonu karmaşası

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/01/2007 - TV NET'te Tüketici Saati devam ediyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
12/01/2007 - Mağazalar istediği gibi indiremeyecek

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
28/12/2006 - Kapıdan satışların yerine cep şikâtyeleri

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
22/12/2006 - Tüketici kazandı, Telekom kaybetti!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
20/12/2006 - Kurbanlık hayvan alırken dikkat!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
09/12/2006 - Tüketicinin talebi önemlidir

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
05/12/2006 - İnternette Smile ADSL kaosu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
05/12/2006 - Hatalı BMW'yi değiştirmenin adı 'jest' oldu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
30/11/2006 - Kartzedenin zaferi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
27/11/2006 - Gazlı içecekler sağlığa zararlı mı?

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
21/11/2006 - Tüketiciler mahkemeye gidecek

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
21/11/2006 - Dikkat! Yarışma değil, para tuzağı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
21/11/2006 - Sözde yarışma programları kaldırılsın

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
01/11/2006 - Reklamı yanıltıcı olan ürünler Ayıplıdır

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
19/10/2006 - Tüketici Saati ATR Televizyonunda

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
18/10/2006 - Fransa'yı "Boykota Devam" çağrısı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
29/09/2006 - McDonald's ve Burger King'e dava

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
29/09/2006 - Türkçe kılavuzu olmayan firmaya ceza

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
31/08/2006 - TÜ-MER, ATR Televizyonun konuğu oldu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
28/08/2006 - Elektrik kesen şirket, tazminat ödeyecek

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
14/08/2006 - ATM’lerdeki gizli komisyona dikkat

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
08/08/2006 - Klonlu telefon, ayıplı maldır.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
17/07/2006 - TÜ-MER'in ısrarlı takibi sonuç verdi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
17/07/2006 - Tatilci, otellerden dertli

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
07/07/2006 - Döviz Gider Zammı Kalır

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
05/07/2006 - tüketicinin sabrı taşıyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
17/06/2006 - Kredi kartında faiz artışının sırrı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
07/06/2006 - Bakan hakkında suç duyurusu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
30/05/2006 - Acı itiraf: zehirli ürün yediriyorlar

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
21/05/2006 - Huzurumuz ile oynamaya kimsenin hakkı yoktur

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
04/05/2006 - Zehirli varilleriniz sizin olsun!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
03/05/2006 - ‘Fatura Ödeme Merkezi’ halkı dolandırdı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
12/04/2006 - Kartta Ali Cengiz oyunu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
09/04/2006 - TÜ-MER Kongresi Sonuçlandı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/03/2006 - Dünya Tüketiciler Günü Kutlandı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
14/03/2006 - Sonsayfa.com'dan Tüketici Köşesi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
06/03/2006 - Kartzedelere uyarı: 60 günü beklemeyin

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
02/03/2006 - İhtarnameler TÜ-MER’den

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
01/03/2006 - Kredi Kartları Yasası Yürürlükte

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
26/02/2006 - Okul ve Camilere baz istasyonu kurma yasağı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
24/02/2006 - Kredi Kartları Yasası Çözüm olacak mı?

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
22/02/2006 - Kredi Kartları Vebalinin Altında Kalmayın

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
22/02/2006 - Reklam Kurulu'ndan Efes'e Ceza

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
20/02/2006 - Kredi kartları can almaya devam ediyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
14/02/2006 - Sevgililer Günü ÖZEL

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
05/02/2006 - Türkiye tüketicisi harekete geçiyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
02/02/2006 - TÜ-MER Boykota hazırlanıyor.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
29/01/2006 - 4 bin şikâyet 200 bin ziyaretçi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
29/01/2006 - İGDAŞ yakılmayan gazın ücretini tahsil ediyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
28/01/2006 - Tüketici Web-Tv çekimleri yapıldı.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
23/01/2006 - OGS ve KGS'li araçların geçmesi çözüm olur mu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
21/01/2006 - Sayın Pektaş Kamuoyunu yanıltmaktadır

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
11/01/2006 - Sivil toplumun baskısı sonuç getirdi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
10/01/2006 - Tepki alan fatura ödeme merkezleri, çığ gibi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
07/01/2006 - Gişeler kalkacak, trafik akacak

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
02/01/2006 - AB kriterlerine dolandırıcılar da uydu!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
25/12/2005 - “tüketici web-tv” yayına başladı.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
09/12/2005 - Cep-kriz masası kuruldu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
04/12/2005 - Kayıtdışı Telefonlar, kayıt altına

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
04/12/2005 - TÜ-MER iç eğitim çalışmalarına başladı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
30/11/2005 - Gıda Standardı tartışmaları devam ediyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
29/11/2005 - Kredi kartları yasası mecliste.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
21/11/2005 - STÖ’nün başkana tanıdığı krallık

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
16/11/2005 - Bilgilenmek evrensel tüketici hakkıdır

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/11/2005 - İTO'dan anlamlı toplantı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
06/11/2005 - Belediye otobüsünde telefon kavgası boşuna

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
21/10/2005 - Ramazan'da tüketici hakları konuşuldu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
09/10/2005 - TÜ-MER'e Teşekkür Plaketi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
28/09/2005 - Krizin adı: Kredi Kartları

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
04/09/2005 - Bankalardan kefile gizli tuzak

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
17/08/2005 - Yargıtay kararları olumlu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
16/08/2005 - Alışveriş merkezine tazminat cezası

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
07/08/2005 - Mağdur Tüketici Yalnız Değil

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
01/08/2005 - Tüketiyoruz Ama Bilinçsiz

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
31/07/2005 - Mağdur tüketiciye broşürle çağrı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
24/07/2005 - Soyulan aracın zararını otoparkçı ödeyecek

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
19/07/2005 - Alo Şikayet Hattı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
05/07/2005 - Haber1'den dev adım!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
03/07/2005 - Tatil yerini beğenmeyen vazgeçebilecek

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
01/07/2005 - Sonsayfa.com'dan TÜ-MER'e Büyük Destek

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
29/06/2005 - TÜ-MER ses getirdi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
26/06/2005 - Asgari Ödeme Tuzağı!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
22/06/2005 - Çocuklara kumar tuzağı!..

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
19/06/2005 - TÜ-MER İnternette lider

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
19/06/2005 - Tüketiciden online şikayet dönemi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/06/2005 - Reklamlar çocukları nasıl etkiliyor?

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
08/06/2005 - Bize sinek vız gelir

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
31/05/2005 - Veliler bağışa zorlanmayacak

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
29/05/2005 - Bankalar tüketiciyi soyuyor!..

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
23/05/2005 - Festivalde TÜ-MER Standına Büyük İlgi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
23/05/2005 - Pompalı soygun

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
18/05/2005 - TRT' de tüketici hakları konuşuldu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/05/2005 - Tatiliniz zehir olmasın

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
09/05/2005 - Fatura kuyruğuna korsan çözüm

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
20/04/2005 - TÜ-MER Yeni Stratejiler Belirliyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
10/04/2005 - 1 YTL’lik cep vergisine tepki.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
01/04/2005 - TÜ-MER Anadoluya Seslendi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
22/03/2005 - TÜ-MER’e “Tüketici Oscarı”

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
16/03/2005 - Dünya Tüketiciler Günü Kutlandı.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
07/03/2005 - TÜ-MER 1 Yaşında.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
22/02/2005 - TÜ-MER'i 6 Mart heyecanı sardı...

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
16/01/2005 - e-tüketici ve e-dilekçe rekora koşuyor.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
04/01/2005 - Bilgilen Kampanyasının Tanıtımı Yapıldı

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
02/01/2005 - Hak Aramayan Kimse Kalmayacak

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
07/12/2004 - İletişimde Tehlike Çanları Çalıyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
26/11/2004 - Tüketicilerin Donkişot'ları Akistanbul'da

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
12/11/2004 - Etiketsiz Firmadan Alışveriş Yapmayın

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
05/11/2004 - TÜ-MER, Kanal 6 İftar Saati'inin Konuğu Oldu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
02/11/2004 - Zorunlu Bağış Çileden Çıkartıyor

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
10/10/2004 - Marmara FM'de Tümer Rüzgarı Esti

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
27/09/2004 - Tüketici Mahkemeleri Levent'de Hizmete Girdi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/08/2004 - TÜ-MER Beyoğlu Savcılığı'nda İfade Verdi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
01/08/2004 - Tüketici Hakları Merkezi Moral FM'deydi

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
09/07/2004 - Peugeot Mağdurları Buluştu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
08/07/2004 - Telekom (zamlı) indirim yaptı.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
07/07/2004 - E-Tüketici hayata geçti.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
15/06/2004 - Sivil toplum istedi, mahkeme kuruldu…

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
20/05/2004 - Etiketinde “Transgenik ürün” yazılsın.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
07/05/2004 - Geciken adalet, adalet değildir!

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
10/04/2004 - “muhtelif ilavenin” peşini bırakmıyoruz.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
18/03/2004 - müstehcenlik meşrulaştırılıyor mu?

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
11/03/2004 - “bayrak ve afiş yarışına hayır…”

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
16/02/2004 - İGDAŞ’ın yetki verdiği firmalar, yetkilerini

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
09/02/2004 - Konutlar için garanti belgesi zorunluluğu

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
03/02/2004 - Ayıplı hizmetin bedeli iade edilsin.

Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 100

Notice: Use of undefined constant baslik - assumed 'baslik' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 101

Notice: Use of undefined constant haber - assumed 'haber' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined index: haber in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 102

Notice: Use of undefined constant tarih - assumed 'tarih' in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/haberdetay.php on line 103
30/01/2004 - Tüketici Hakları Merkezi TÜ-MER Kuruldu

Alışveriş Merkezleri Raporu'nu Tablo olarak görmek için tıklayınız...
(Not : Dosya indirme süresi bağlantı hızınıza göre değişiklik gösterebilir.)

Yıllık Kart Aidatı Online Dilekçe'si için tıklayınız...
Yıllık Kart Aidatı Emsal Kararı için tıklayınız. (1)
Yıllık Kart Aidatı Emsal Kararı için tıklayınız. (2)
Tüm videoları izlemek için tıklayınız...
TÜKETİCİ WEB-TV Pirinç Boykotu - NTV ve STV Ana Haber

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /chroot/home/tumerorg/tumer.org/html/sag.php on line 179
Diğer tüm basın açıklamalarını görmek için tıklayınız...



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